Are you Ready for Change?


5A change is as good as a rest’, so goes a common saying. Is this easier said than done? Does change bring rest or does it bring trouble with it? And if it does bring rest, why is change resisted with the same vigour its advocates propose it? These and many more questions are abounding the wisdom behind this wise saying of the old.

Change is necessary if an individual or an organization wants to continue to improve and grow. However, change will al­ways and almost instantly raise resistance from some people. Change requires a certain amount of faith. Faith is much easier to believe, and even to preach, than it ever is to live by. People usually avoid changes and prefer to stay in their comfort zones, but once you get the courage and take the first step to change, your life or organization will become much better.

There are many reasons why change is difficult, but four of them stand out. Understanding them and identifying with the resistance of change can assist leaders in helping other team members adjust to change.