Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Home Leadership Leadership Africa Editorials

Leadership Africa Editorials

How Intelligent Are You Emotionally

When you think of a “great leader,” what comes to mind? You might picture some­one who never lets his temper get out of control, no matter what problems he’s facing. Or you might think...


We’ve got to start thinking outside the box.” This is a statement almost every leader has said. For decades, creativity and innovation have been defined by a person’s ability to look beyond the traditional...

Who is your Mentor?

If someone asked the question “who was the most influential person in your life, Or “who do you most admire?”, would you have an answer? Is there someone that makes your admiration list? But,...

Are you Developing Future Leaders?

“Everything rises and falls on leadership,” says John Maxwell. If this statement is true, then how do we ensure that those in leadership understand leadership and then lead as is expected of them? Assuming...

Will You Avoid or Confront?

Whether we are dealing with under-performing employees, disagreeing with our spouse, negotiating with a dif­ficult client, or simply saying “no” or “I’m sorry”, we face difficult conversa­tions almost every day. The only way to appropriately...

Are you Ready for Change?

A change is as good as a rest’, so goes a common saying. Is this easier said than done? Does change bring rest or does it bring trouble with it? And if it does...

Are you Building and Leading A High Performance Team?

Watching a sports team at play is all about collective endeavour. In my view, there is nothing as magical as a sports team working well together. You may have experienced it, either as a...

Are you Getting your Message Across?

The Online Business Diction­ary defines communica­tion as a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only ex­change (encode-decode) infor­mation, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share mean­ing. In general,...

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Father’s Day: Leadership Lessons from Fatherhood

Father's Day is a day of honouring fatherhood and paternal bonds, as well as the influence of fathers in society. In the Roman Catholic...

