Living and Leading Beyond Covid19: What Does the Future hold


Coronavirus is here with us. We cannot wish it away. The only option we have is to follow the protocols established by the respective governments and their public health systems to curb the spread of the virus.


No one can dispute that COVID-19 has disrupted the world order as we have always known it. The disease has impacted all sectors around the world. Economists, Sociologists and religious leaders have made attempts to interpret and explain our current situation from an economic, social or even spiritual perspective. Each of the interpretations is convincing in its own right.


Irrespective of the approach that you may wish to take, the fact is that when the COVID-19 is contained and pray that this will be soon, three potential outcomes are likely for individuals and institutions.


1.The first possible outcome is death. To die is to pass out of existence. As of Saturday, April 18, 2020, there were 156,104deaths globally as a result of the disease. The reality is that there are people, businesses and institutions that existed before the Coronavirus outbreak that will fade and pass away never to live any more. There are certain behaviours, practices as well as habits that will die as a result of the COVID19 pandemic. While some will die naturally, others we may need to be intentional to kill them. You possibly need to ask yourself a couple of questions: Will you or any institution you belong to survive the Coronavirus pandemic? Are there any behaviours, practices or habits that you need to let die in this season that will prepare you to survive and thrive in the season after the pandemic?


2.The second potential outcome is survival, which is to continue to live or exist despite the danger. At the time of writing this article, there were 2,275,783 confirmed active cases of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) globally with 582,444recoveries. Many will contract the disease, go through the experience and discomfort of having to use a ventilator to keep them alive. Still, somehow they will navigate through and live beyond Coronavirus pandemic. Many people and organisations have engaged the survival mode gear. Some organisations are reducing salaries due to reduced incomes as a way of navigating through the crisis and ensure they survive. Most people are spending less to ensure that they stretch any little savings they may have to cover a more extended period.


Many of us are religiously following the protocols of safe distancing and practising hygiene as a way of ensuring our survival post the pandemic and reducing the risks of contracting the virus. What choices do you need to make today that will ensure your survival in the coming days, weeks and months?


3.While not all is doom and gloom, there is a possibility of other thriving. To thrive is to flourish, prosper or progress toward or realise a goal despite or because of circumstances. In as much as the current environment looks delicate, it has opened opportunities that may not have existed before. Industries making sanitizers and face masks have experienced outstretched demand than can be supplied. The pandemic has opened opportunities for people who would be disengaged and with nothing to do in the current environment. Many have discovered online work and productivity tools that were unknown to them a few weeks ago. All it has required is to survey the situation, think creatively and adapt accordingly. Those with the potential to thrive post COVID19 pandemic will be the ones who will have the ability to move with quick, effortless grace, mostly known as agility.


Anyone wanting to see the impact of the pandemic to determine the next course of action will likely die and chances of survival very slim. The future is for those who are already exploring adjustments necessary to survive the current situation and exploring the opportunities available for them post the pandemic.



What changes do you need to make today for you to survive and thrive?