Power of vision


1When reading a past issue of Leadership Journal, I came across an advert by the Billy Graham Training Centre at the Cove. The following words in the advert caught my attention “Leading is easier when you know which way to go.”
The more I reflected on that statement, the more questions I had unanswered. Does it mean that leadership is harder for some leaders than for others?

Is there a likelihood that we have some leaders who have no idea where they are leading their people to and how disastrous can that be? These reflections reminded me of the words in the Bible that where there is no vision, people perish.

In this premier edition of Leadership Journal for Africa, the magazine will focus on the need for visionary leadership by addressing important questions such as what vision is and why vision is important. If vision in itself is important, how does it translate into action and where do leaders get their vision from? At what point does it translate from being a leader’s vision to an organisation’s vision and how is this achieved?
