What is special about the year 2021?

For most people I have talked to about the year 2020, there is nothing much to write about. They cannot account for it, and the best most can say is that the year came and went.  Of course, we ushered in the year 2020 with lots of hope, plans and possibly a whole list of resolutions on health, career, family, spirituality, and so much more, for some weight loss was a priority, while for others, an additional credential needed to shore up their careers.

And then life happened. What sounded like a far distance problem of Corona outbreak in Wuhan China was here with us. Corona disrupted everything as we had known and planned it. Our freedom of movement and association enshrined in our constitution became a mere suggestion as lockdowns and cessation of movement directives took effect. Schools were closed, and so were businesses and the rest, as they say, is history. Shuttered dreams, battered economies, lost jobs, closed businesses, overstretched health systems, deaths, and so much more mark the year 2020.

In this backdrop, we usher in 2021. And the question in the minds of many is whether we can dream again. I draw my inspiration from the famous words of St. Paul from the 13th chapter of his First Letter to the newly formed Christian community in Corinth. Paul explained how important love is in a person’s life and emphasized the need to put it into practice in everything we do. He concludes the message with the words, 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

I submit to you that 2021 will be better not just for us but for those around us if we embrace the wisdom of St. Paul by embracing Faith, Hope and Love. What exactly does that look like?

Faith in the God of all creation 

The words of the Kenya National Anthem reflect the Kenyan people’s corporate faith in the God of all creation to bless this our land and nation.  And for justice be our shield and defender even as we dwell in unity, peace and liberty and that we will find plenty within our borders.

May we have faith that 2021 will be a better year for us both as individuals and a nation. Faith, derived from Latin fides and Old French feid, is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept.

Hope for a better year in 2021

A new year presents an opportunity for new beginnings with renewed hope for better things ahead. Regardless of what 2020 was for you and how it has ended, you can embrace home and expect things to be better. Wikipedia defines Hope is an optimistic state of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes concerning events and circumstances in one’s life or the world. As a verb, its definitions include: “expect with confidence” and “to cherish a desire with anticipation.

Inspired by the Kenyan national anthem’s words, my hope for 2021 is that one and all Kenyans will arise With hearts both strong and true. It is also my hope that service will be our earnest endeavour in 2021. I begin 2021 hoping that each Kenyan stand to defend our unity as the people of Kenya and our homeland of Kenya, the heritage of splendour.

Love for our homeland and its People

I think that St. Paul’s writings in the First Letter to the Corinthians have something significant to say to us about 2021.

Love is patient, Love is kind. Love is not boastful or envious or arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 

If we have a love for our homeland and its people, we will  Let all with one accord. In common bond, we can build this our nation together. As a result, Kenya’s glory and the fruit of our labour will fill every heart with thanksgiving.

If we have a love for our nation and its people, we will be patient with each other even where we disagree with each other’s religious, political or social views. We will not insist on our way even when we have the power to push it through.

I hope that 2021 will bring new tidings your way and that you will have renewed hope and anticipation that all will turn out well—happy new year 2021.

#Happynewyear #newbeginnings #

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