Which season are you in?


Each new season grows from the leftovers from the past. That is the essence of change, and change is the basic law.

  Hal Borland

which season are you in

Peter* turned out to be a talkative person. Except for a few interruptions with my questions which he didn’t seem to mind, he talked  for most of the journey. Peter has been an Uber driver for six months now, having left his previous van errands business to try his hand in the cab business.

When I enquired how Uber compares to his previous business, he was quick to admit that he is happy so far and one thing he has had to understand in his new business is that it comes in seasons. Business is at its peak at the end and beginning of the month. He thus works longer hours when its at its peak and less when business is low in the middle of the month. When pressed further with the question of how long he works, he admitted to do up to 14 hours during peak time. He is also happy that he enjoys his freedom to determine when to and not to work but that freedom comes at a cost.

Peter views technology as an ally for business and and that you can’t wish it away unless you plan to change to leave the planet. He is quick to point out that its through technology that two strangers (himself and I) have met, didn’t need to negotiate the cost for the trip and feel safe to engage in a conversation. For Peter, technology breaks the social, cultural, gender and other barriers to connect people. The fact that he did not need to know anyone to sign up and start Uber is a clear indicator of how technology breaks barriers. He sums it all by telling me that each season comes with its own changes and one must be willing to be adaptive to the changing seasons.

Peter has understood  his business seasons making it possible to maximise his time and profitability. As a leader, do you understand the seasons in your sphere of influence and what you need to do in each season?  I find an interesting comparison to the sons of Issachar who are recorded to be “…men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do…” (1 Chronicles 12:32). What changes do you need to accommodate in your life or business today that will propel you to where you need to be? “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”  Ecclesiastes 3:1. Which season are you in today?